
About MyNextCRM

MyNextCRM idea was born after writing a LinkedIn post about choosing a CRM. It helped a few businesses. I got some good feedback that made me think about creating a site to share my opinion about different CRMs on the market.

Today CRM marketplace is so crowded, that buying a CRM product is really annoying. Resellers will recommend you products that pay biggest comissions, but nobody wants to listen for what you really need.

Why am I interested in the CRM market? It started in 2011 when I co-founded Import2, a 1-click data migration software. We have helped thousands of businesses to switch their CRM and spend a lot of time investigating different CRM products. Today, I work on CRM startup Parma.ai, and excitement about this super competitive market is at its peak.

Disclaimer: MyNextCRM is not meant to be unbiased. I am doing it for fun and to share my honest thoughts. So, expect it to be subjective and opinionated. If that's too much, you can always use Google search instead ;).

I hope you love the format, and it will help you choose the right CRM for your business. If you want to reach out, our Twitter DMs are open.

Mark, Chief CRM Roaster

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